To the Mother of Jesus

On His birthday I remembered you

I abandoned the crouds and the candles

The lights and the flowers

I left the ringing bells and the singing mass

And I remembered you.

I remembered the day you went to Bethlehem

You and Joseph, strangers in Bethlehem

No face that knows you

No house that shelters you

No place but a stable in Khan

And there you were in labour

You gave birth among the strangeness, loneliness and sadness

And when you made a cradle of the stable

He opened His eyes and you saw in them the glory of the heavens

From where He came.

You forgot the pains of labour and the hardness of loneliness

You forgot the murmuring of the gossipers around you in Nazareth

And you heard the singing of angels in your ears:

May Peace be on Earth

The King of Peace is Born.

Christmas 1972





What is Poetry


It is a marble container which

Contains the secret of life

Those who are taken by its shape and beautyAnd forget what is inside

They miss out on the true meaning and nature of poetry.




The BA and the KA

These are the teachings which I learnt about the soul and body:

The human body is considered the home for the Egyptian 'Ba' and this 'Ba' does not die or vanish with human death, but it transfers to another home.  The 'Ba' is responsible for the good and evil doings in a person's life because it is the doer of these things.

There is also the 'Ka' which has nothing to do with a person's actions, but it stays with a person merely as a guide or adviser or a guardian angel or 'conscience'.  If the 'Ba' follows the teachings of the 'Ka' and its guidance, it lives in peace and safety.  If it disobeys it, then there is misery and deprivation.  We can describe the 'Ka' as being the higher soul or the holistic soul or the 'universal soul'.  When a person dies, the 'Ka' departs looking for another 'Ba' to guide and accompany in its life journey.  Common people call the 'Ka' 'companion' or 'brother' and in Egypt if a person falls, people say "salamat your brother, who is better than you", meaning the 'Ka'.

These teachings do not believe in the resurrection of the body, but in the moving of the 'Ba' from one body or 'home' to another and from one journey to another until the person reaches perfection or the state of 'narvana' as is described by the Budhists.


What is Poetry

It is a marble container which

Contains the secret of life

Those who are taken by its shape and beauty

And forget what is inside

They miss out on the true meaning and nature of poetry.



The Sea is our Father that

Gives us Fish

 The Earth is our Mother that

Gives us Corn and Fruit 

This is the food of man

 Boulis Salama 29.1.81