Today is a great feast, because it is a feast of the most ancient nation in history:  it is the Egyptian New Year Day; rather the crown of the Egyptian year as mentioned in the traditional Egyptian preaching. 

Today is a feast for the inhabitants of this blessed Valley, the country which the Hebrews called "Misr";  the Greeks called it EGYPTUS [sic] and the Arabs distorted it to the "Land of the Gypts".  The Land owners, rather its own children called it "Kimi" or "Chemi".  For this reason, the dearest name for me is "Kimi" because this is the name by which the children of the Nile know their country, not the common nomer attributed to it by the aliens.


What is this "Kimi" ??

All of us know the word "Chemistry" .Very few know the word "Kimi"  which is the root of the derivative "Chemistry".  

"Kimi" means the Black Land, and from it the Arabs derived the word "Chemistry" because they assumed that the chemical industry was a derivative of the same word.  Thus, I do not see any ambiguity in this assumption, since the Chemical industry within Nature does convert a mineral into gold, then Egypt did (and still does) by virtue of the existence of the Nile, remain converting the silt into gold each year. Although there were speculations that, in her early days, Egypt produced gold, now there is no doubt that her land did and still does harvest gold.

To day is the Egyptian New Year's Day.... Feast of Kimi 

It was Kimi who was the first to set the calendar, Kimi was the first to record Sciences, Kimi was the first to identify the Day of Judgment and Kimi was the first who held the torch of knowledge in the abysmal darkness of ignorance. 

Kimi was the mother of Khufu builder of the pyramid, Imhotep founder of medicine and Thotmus who stunned the nations, and it was Kimi who produced millions of artisans who immortalized her.

This was the era of intellectual debates; it was the era of the architectural design of the pyramids and the sphinx, the wonders through the ages;  and what about the archaeological excavations which revealed the arts immortalizing their monarchs which the Poet Shawqi described it most eloquently:  what a wonder of paintings, with its oil still shining, as if the painter dropped his brushes yesterday, and the fine lines looking like gazelle eyelashes....

To day is the Egyptian New Year's Day.... Feast of Kimi 

It was Kimi who was the first to set the calendar.  This was (circa) 4236BC which was the oldest event in the known history.

Herodotus (father of history) said "Egypt is the gift of the Nile" and I add:  everything in Egypt is indebted to the Nile.  Its regular annual flooding enabled Egyptians to set the calendar, leading them to dig for irrigation tributaries,  which in turn led them to cooperation and the organization of manpower, problem-solving, border control, and ownership systems.

The relationship between the Egyptian Calendar and Agriculture is still existent;  up to this day the Egyptian farmer uses the Egyptian months in farming: he sows in Paopi,  harvests in Hathor and so on... 

The Egyptian Year was divided into three seasons of four months each:  Flood Season, Planting Season and Harvest Season.  They linked events to seasons, for example, they would say "This took place during the first new moon of the Flood Season.   Or, the second new moon of the Farming Season, or the third of Harvest".  As to the Coptic months, they were known the same way we know them today.

While other nations, for example the Chaldeans and others, used lunar months which were not regular in terms of timing, Kimi succeeded in calculating 12 months for each year, 30 days per month, then added five days which they called "Nasi" (the Mini Month) which they observed as a month of joy and festivities. This Feast which we are now celebrating for one day, our forefathers celebrated it for days, even a month, even though they called it the "Mini Month".  

To day is the Egyptian New Year's Day.... Feast of Kimi

Kimi were the first to record sciences 

The inhabitants of this valley knew writing and they identified the writing implements before any other nation on earth, whereby the Phoenicians and other nations adopted their alphabets.

As to the writing implements, they knew ink and produced it from plant dyes which they mixed with kohl, they crafted pens from reeds, and made Paper [sic] from papyrus [sic].  The word "papyrus" is the root of the English word "paper". 

Writing developed from signs and symbols to phonetic letters. Their alphabets were made of twenty four silent letters without diacritics.  This same language is the Coptic language with slight variation necessitated by the development of the language through time, also due to the difference in the writing of the letters;  for example from hieroglyphic drawings which are in temples to the demotic writing which the people used in their dealings; followed by Greek letters used shortly before Christianity due to the spread of the Greek language and culture at that time, and due to the ease in its writing. This process was similar to the present day Turkish conversion from Arabic letters to Romance letters while maintaining the pronunciation. 

Thus, the Coptic or Egyptian language, rather the tongue of Kimi citizens, which we call for its resurrection and its spread is the very same one of the great forefathers to whom we owe the pioneering of everything noble and great.

It is a shame... A great shame that a nation with such a heritage and glorious history to turn its back upon its past to such a level.

The being of a nation is its tongue:  once a nation loses its tongue, it loses its being. If it wishes to reclaim its being, the onus is on it to regain its tongue.