Welcome to Boulis Salama website!

Boulis Salama was born in Akhmeim - 

Southern Egypt in the year 1907, but he did not stay long as he left with his mother and uncle after the death of his father to Sudan in 1919. He was only 12 years old. In Sudan he found a job in the Post Department which was at the time under the British who was occupying the Sudan at the time. He learned during his period there the English Language, Arithmetic and Arabic language by his own efforts. He was successful in his job and reached the job of Post office clerk in less than five years. After twenty years in the Post Dept he resigned and went looking for better opportunists in the free trade. After several trials he established his own business as bookshop owner selling mainly English books which he used to import from England.

After retirement and the deteriorated political and economic conditions in Sudan he moved to Australia in 1975 to be with his daughter Rosemary and son Amazis who moved earlier there. The others followed after. During that period he was able to write some of his memories, poems and articles relating to historical and religious subjects in Egypt.

This booklet is a translation of some articles to English from the original Arabic and divided into two main parts, the first one related to the Christen reflections and the second part on memories of travels in Europe and dialogues with his grand children. 

 Rosemary Suliman

Sydney 2021


يا ليل طال سرانا

متى يلوح الصباح

ستون عاما واربع

ملئت فيها جراح

سئمت فيها كفاحى

ماذا افاد الكفاح


 وكان عندى كأس

سقانى ودا صراح

غالتة منى الليالى

فراح كاس وراح


غدوت طيرا فريدا

قد هيض منه الجناح

وصار سيرى وئيدا

وصار شدوى نواح


 يا ليل طال سرانا
متى يلوح الصباح